Went to work as an unvaxxed federal employee! Thanks to you fine people!

Need a second opinion? That doctorly advice from your bosses just doesn’t seem right? Join your Family here: Feds for Medical Freedom. Losing your body’s medical freedom has never been so important. By the time I joined, I realized I should have joined a year ago! It’s not too late- it’s never too late to take your body back from those staking claim over you. Join now for free, find your local chapter, and contribute when you’re ready. I’m glad I did, and you can, too. Be your body’s best friend Today!

" I’ve been a federal employee since 2006, and with DOL as an investigator for the Office of Labor-Management Standards (OLMS) since 2014, conducting civil and criminal investigations on labor unions. I was previously a special agent with the U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM) conducting background investigations for security clearances and held a top secret security clearance myself; prior to that I was a contractor for OPM for 4 years. I’m currently a GS-13 senior investigator with zero record of disciplinary actions, and I never filed complaints prior to November 11, 2021. I’ve had a stellar career, trained others, received numerous awards, been appointed to special teams, worked around the country and the world, and have been promoted numerous times.
I’ve been heavily involved with F4MF since January 2021. I’m an unnamed plaintiff in the Boyden Gray & Associates case (the case that achieved the injunction on the vaccine mandate for federal employees - which has been pending an en banc decision from the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals since the hearing on September 13, 2022 which I attended), and I’m active with the F4MF FOIA and Lawfare teams, having drafted and/or filed numerous FOIA requests and letters to Congress. The DOL class complaint is going to be filed in U.S. District Court soon. Since I joined F4MF in January 2021, I've spent just as much time - if not more - on fighting for medical freedom and F4MF efforts than I have at my "real" job.

In September 2021 when Biden ordered federal employees to become fully “vaccinated,” I felt angry, violated, afraid, and ALONE. I knew I had to fight it but did not know how. My agency’s repeated assertions that it was a “lawful order” only solidified my belief that it was anything but that. My agency’s repeated threats that non-compliants would be subjected to progressive discipline - from “counseling” to suspension to termination - solidified my resolve to fight this injustice.
I found only one like-minded colleague at that time who introduced me to avenues to educate myself on my rights. I spent countless hours watching videos, reading, attending Q&A calls with various entities, and praying. I reluctantly submitted a religious accommodation request in October 2021 and waited… for 3 months… not knowing my future.
When I learned of the injunction in January 2022, I was filled with a joy and elation I cannot begin to describe. My prayers had been answered! It was the first ray of hope I had after 3 months of darkness, torment, and virtual isolation. I had to know how it came to be. I had followed several court cases and had heard of Feds4Medical Freedom somewhere along the way, but it wasn’t until the injunction that Feds4Medical Freedom got my full attention. Since that moment, I’ve devoted much of my free time to our organization - probably more time than I spend at my real job. I’ve come to feel that my “real” job has taken a back burner, that it’s just a place holder to allow me to stay in the fight, while I have found a greater purpose and calling in helping with Feds4Medical Freedom efforts.
Feds4Medical Freedom provided the support group I had been desperately searching for - I finally found my people, my tribe! I started to join the Zoom calls and share my story and hear others’ during breakout sessions. It was therapeutic. It was healing. It was hopeful. And it still is.
F4MF has armed me with the tools I needed in this fight - legal counsel, education on my rights, direction for filing complaints, leaders to guide me, and opportunities to take on leadership roles myself. I was raised to always help others, and that’s what I began to do within Feds4Medical Freedom. I took what I learned, drafted and filed my own complaints, and began to share them with others. One day Feds4Medical Freedom President Marcus Thornton read my EEO complaint and asked me to step up to serve as the class agent for the class EEO complaint against my agency. I said yes. I have since started a chapter in my area and arrange monthly meetups. I’m active with the FOIA and Lawfare teams, having drafted and/or filed numerous FOIA requests and letters to Congress. I’ve attended a lot of in-person gatherings including the en banc hearing at the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals in New Orleans in September 2022. Best of all - I’ve met some pretty amazing people along the way. Together, we are a formidable force!
This past year and a half has been nothing short of a battle - a legal, mental, spiritual, and physical battle. It has taken its toll at times. But I am so blessed and honored to be holding the line alongside the members of this amazing organization. Whatever the outcome of our fight against the tyrannical “vaccine” mandate and quest for justice for the despicable way we civil servants have been treated by our employer - our government - I will be forever grateful for Feds4Medical Freedom. Well done, good and faithful servants (Matthew 16:23)!