Feds For Freedom, is a 501(c)3 non-profit with an ambitious mission, and we need your help in the fight to fight for Freedom, Accountability, Integrity, and Reform (FAIR) in the federal government!
Feds For Freedom currently has many volunteer positions available. Both Federal employees and citizens (non-Federal employees) are invited to join our volunteer team and support our mission.
You don’t have to be an expert in any given area to volunteer. We recognize that many people will need to step outside of their comfort zone and develop new skills, and we’re excited to support you as you do that!

Expectations and Duties of Volunteers
Agree to attend at least 80% of the meetings of their respective committee.
Be paid members through donations ($17.76/mo or higher).
Actively participate in advancing the vision and mission of the organization.
All standing committees should meet a minimum of once per month in the fourth week of the month (some may require more frequent meetings).
Standing committees will submit a monthly report containing their recommendations to the Secretary within a week following the committee meeting.
Subcommittees meet a minimum of once per month, typically in the third week of the month.
Click HERE for a list of position descriptions.
Feds for Freedom is a private nonprofit organization that is not associated with the federal government, and the federal government does not endorse Feds for Freedom in any way. Participation by the Board Members in Feds for Freedom is not related to performance of their official duties.