WASHINGTON, DC – Despite President Biden’s assertion that “the pandemic is over” and the end of the COVID-19 public health emergency declaration, the federal government is still seeking to implement a mandatory COVID-19 vaccination policy for all federal workers.
Mandatory vaccinations for federal workers have been blocked since January 2022, when a district court issued an injunction in the case of Feds for Medical Freedom v. Biden. However, on Friday (7/21) the federal government petitioned the Supreme Court of the United States asking them to dismiss the case.
Feds for Medical Freedom President Marcus Thornton issued the following statement in response to the latest filing:

“This administration's COVID vaccine mandates have always been immoral, unscientific, and unconstitutional. With the end of the emergency declaration, the federal government cannot even point to an ongoing pandemic to justify its obvious overreach. It is clear the executive branch is now simply working to expand its own power at the expense of the rights of federal employees and contractors. That is wrong, and we will continue to fight them in court until we have won the day.”
In addition to Feds for Medical Freedom v. Biden, the group has filed three lawsuits in 2023 challenging the vaccine policies of the Navy, the State Department, and the Department of Justice. Each seeks damages for federal employees who faced a hostile workplace environment and religious discrimination. For further information, visit www.feds4medfreedom.org.