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Feds for Med Freedom and Navy Employees File Suit Against Department of Defense

SEATTLE – Feds for Medical Freedom has filed its third lawsuit this year seeking to hold government agencies and their leadership accountable for religious discrimination based on the persecution of workers with religious beliefs against vaccination for COVID-19. Feds for Med Freedom et al. v. Lloyd J. Austin et al., filed in the Western District of Washington, was brought forward by 58 employees of the U.S. Navy’s Puget Sound Naval Shipyard and Intermediate Maintenance Facility in Bremerton, Washington. Austin is the U.S. Secretary of Defense.

According to the filing, plaintiffs “were persecuted and harassed for their beliefs; they were shamed, ‘outed,’ segregated, ostracized and excluded. Many plaintiffs were placed on unpaid leave, put on AWOL status, threatened with termination and forced to resign due to the intolerable and untenable environment. Plaintiffs were forced to defend their beliefs so they could simply live according to their faith.” The lawsuit seeks damages from the plaintiffs and seeks to hold the U.S. Department of Defense and the U.S. Navy accountable for violations of the Religious Freedom Restoration Act of 1993, Title VII of the Civil Rights Act and the U.S. Constitution.

Feds for Medical Freedom, a grassroots group of over 9,000 federal employees and contractors who believe strongly the government does not have the legal or moral right to force Americans to get vaccinated in violation of their sincerely held religious beliefs, has already achieved significant victories in court.

“These are experienced, dedicated and in some cases decorated military personnel and employees,” said Feds for Medical Freedom President Marcus Thornton. “We should be celebrating their service, and instead our government ostracized and harassed them. Worse, managers did so knowing they were compromising the integrity and mission-readiness of the U.S. Navy. Our lawsuit is about delivering justice for the men and women who were demeaned and marginalized, and accountability for the bad actors who trampled on their Constitutional rights.”

Feds for Medical Freedom said it will continue to file new lawsuits seeking justice for federal workers who were injured by the vaccine mandates, and demanding accountability for those in power who violated the religious and Constitutional rights of their fellow Americans. Other lawsuits filed by Feds for Med Freedom in 2023 include Feds for Med Freedom et al v. Merrick Garland et al and Feds for Medical Freedom v. Antony Blinken et al.

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